Skintyte And Tytelip Laser Treatments Improve Skin Laxity And Fine Lines

In Newport Beach

Skintyte And Tytelip Laser Treatments Improve Skin Laxity And Fine Lines

BioSpa® in Newport Beach, CA

We are excited to announce the BioSpa® at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery is now offering the Sciton Broad Band Laser.

Sciton Laser Jowls

SkinTyte laser for the jowl

The Sciton laser system offers patients a non-invasive safe method for treating skin issues such as skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles. Patients can achieve a more youthful refreshed appearance without downtime. This new innovative technology uses infrared light energy and advanced skin cooling technology to deliver heat below the skin’s surface with little to no discomfort. The applied heat energy stimulates collagen production, which reduces the appearance of skin laxity by tightening the underlying tissue. Depending on the severity of a patient’s skin laxity or fine lines and wrinkles, multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results.

SkinTyte and TyteLip are the most popular treatments offered with the Sciton Broad Band Laser system. The SkinTyte laser treatment provides skin tightening for the face, neck, arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs, legs, hands and buttocks, while the TyteLip specifically targets fine lines and wrinkles around the lip area.

The Sciton Laser system is safe for all skin types and can be performed on any area of the body where skin firmness is desired. The laser treatment requires no downtime, so patients can resume their regular daily activities immediately following their visit.

Sciton Laser Before/After

SkinTyte laser for neck tightening

TyteLip laser treatment for fine lines around the li

SkinTyte laser improves skin laxity of the abdome

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