VelaShape III

In Newport Beach

Reduce the appearance of cellulite with VelaShape® III

Many Newport Beach body shaping patients complain about stubborn cellulite that they can’t get rid of no matter what they try. The new and improved VelaShape III is an ideal non-surgical body enhancement solution for treating ‘problem areas’ that cause women to feel unhappy about their body image. Not only does VelaShape III reduce visible cellulite, but it will take inches off and improve overall body shape. Some BioSpa® patients have lost up to one whole dress size after just one treatment.

The Basics

  • VelaShape® is the ONLY non-invasive treatment FDA cleared to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  • Velashape® involves no downtime and very little discomfort.

  • Velashape® uses a combination of technologies including radiofrequency and heat.

Why Patients Choose VelaShape®

VelaShape III can be applied to any area of the body that may need cellulite reduction or body contouring: Upper or lower abdomen, inner or outer thighs, under arms, hips/flanks, and upper or lower back. Patients choose VelaShape for their body contouring treatment when they experience the lumpy appearance of cellulite in these areas. There are many body contouring options available today, but patients often choose VelaShape III when they want a nonsurgical solution with no downtime. VelaShape III is effective at treating cellulite, but for stubborn fat, patients might choose a different treatment option. VelaShape is also not recommended for those that are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How it Works

VelaShape III uses a combination of four technologies to provide higher energy density for improved heating of the underlying tissue, a reduction in treatment time, and allow for fewer treatment sessions to achieve optimal results. Technologies include IR (infrared), Bi-Polar RF (radio-frequency) and mechanical tissue manipulation using a pulsed vacuum and massage rollers. The combination of these technologies provide a localized reduction in skin laxity, volume, and cellulite, as well as an increase in circulation and lymphatic drainage promoting healthy skin structure.

Your Customized VelaShape® Treatment

Your body contouring treatment at BioSpa® will be customized based on your concerns. Not all devices effectively combat all issues, so in addition to VelaShape III, the BioSpa® in Newport Beach and Orange County also offers UltraShape and Vanquish. A customized treatment plan for those seeking all or a combination of the following: fat removal, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, and body contouring will be determined during the consultation.

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Upon arrival at your VelaShape III appointment, we will bring you into our body contouring room where you will take off any clothes covering the area being treated. While lying on a comfortable adjustable med-spa table the device will be placed over the area being treated. Patients report little to no discomfort during this time. The procedure itself will last approximately 45 minutes. A series of 3-6 treatment sessions are typically recommended for optimal results.

Post-Treatment Tips

There is no required recovery after treatment with VelaShape and patients can get right back to their regular routine. Patients might expereince some mild redness and swelling that should diminish in the next few hours.

Your VelaShape® Results

Patients will begin to notice gradual improvements after treatment with VelaShape, allowing the body time to regenerate stronger connective tissue for reduced cellulite. Best results can be seen after about 10 weeks. To maintain results, patients should maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to avoid weight gain. Future treatment sessions with VelaShape III are also recommended to maintain smooth skin.

Further Treatment Options

At the BioSpa® in Newport Beach, VelaShape III is frequently combined with UltraShape and/or Vanquish to ensure optimal results. A patient’s treatment plan will be determined during the initial consultation. If fat removal and skin tightening are needed, our doctors or nurses will likely recommend adding UltraShape and/or Vanquish.

VelaShape® Card

Download the VelaShape® Card here.

Your Consultation at BioSpa

To find out if VelaShape III is right for you or to learn about our other nonsurgical contouring options, contact our office at (949) 732-3888.

Schedule Your Consultation

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