How You Can Benefit from Geneveve™ for Vaginal Rejuvenation

In Newport Beach

How You Can Benefit from Geneveve™ for Vaginal Rejuvenation

How You Can Benefit from Geneveve™ for Vaginal Rejuvenation

With age and after childbirth, women might begin to notice uncomfortable symptoms such as vaginal laxity, dryness and irritation, a loss of sensation, and incontinence due to weak bladder support. Geneveve by Viveve offers a solution to these common feminine

Non-surgical Lip Augmentation with Lip Fillers

Non-surgical Lip Augmentation

Full, healthy lips can be a striking feature on any face. Unfortunately, not everybody is so lucky. You may naturally have thin lips or those will fuller lips may experience thinning as they age. While lip implants offer a permanent

Nonsurgical Cheek Augmentation

Nonsurgical Cheek Augmentation

If you’re on the fence about having surgical cheek augmentation using implants to add volume and definition, you may first want to consider your non-surgical options. With new and improved dermal fillers entering the market, there are now some great

Happy Couple

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty

Are you unhappy with the shape of your nose? Perhaps you have a bump on your nasal bridge, or feel that your nose is a bit crooked? If so, you may be thinking that invasive surgery is the only option

Woman with Beautiful skin

Maintain Your Facelift Results with Vivace!

Many individuals choose to undergo a facelift to address signs of aging such as saggy, excess skin, turkey neck, and folds in the face. We all know that the effects of time cannot be completely avoided, but a facelift can

woman showing armpits on the beach


Stop Sweat in its Tracks with miraDry Nobody wants to deal with excessive sweating. Not only does it cause embarrassing sweat stains, it can bring about an unpleasant odor, which can affect your confidence, relationships, and even career. If deodorants

Injectables: The Trend In Non-surgical Anti-aging Treatments

Injectables: The Trend In Non-surgical Anti-aging Treatments

Anti-aging treatments are highly sought after by everyone from celebrities to your neighbor down the street. After all, who wouldn’t want to find the secret to looking young? Anti-aging treatments such as injectables, medical peels, and lasers have long been

Vollure - An Fda Approved Solution For Facial Wrinkles

Vollure – An Fda Approved Solution For Facial Wrinkles

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Juvéderm Vollure XC for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds for adults over the age of 21. This new filler uses special technology, known as Vycross, to

Woman With No Cellulite standing on Beach


Cellulite plagues many women looking for solutions to this unsightly issue. Cellfina, a new approach to tackling cellulite, may just be the answer. The FDA has approved Cellfina to last at least three years with no loss of benefit, which

woman pinching belly fat

Belly Fat Blues

Getting rid of belly fat is not only important for your self-confidence but also your health. Excess abdominal fat, especially visceral fat that surrounds your organs and distends your stomach, is a predictor of serious health issues such as heart

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